Tag: modeling

Koudlam – Precipice Fantasy

Music clip for Koudelam. created with 3DS Max 2023rendered with Unreal Directors:Producer:First Director Assistant:Choreographer dancer:Performer and trucker:Motion capture:3D Designers:3D Animators:Graphism:Media assistant:Key editor:Editors:Colorist: Morgan Navarro & Robin Kobrynski Pôle Nord Studio…
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Planet Archeology

For the documentary Planet Archeology some 3D animations. created with 3DS Max 2022rendered mostly with Unreal. Director:Production: Co-production:Script:Produced from:3D-production:Music: Stéphane JacquesRochePlanet+Alexandra BarbotNicolas Cennac + Dominique Tibi Pole Nord StudioCoil -…
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Mind Against & Dyzen – Freedom

Music clip for Mind Against & Dyzen for the track FREEDOM. created with 3DS Max 2022rendered with Unreal on a LED-wall in an virtual studio. Directors:Actress talent:Director of photography:Art direction:Stylism…
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Trailer for the LENDARYS Metavers. created with 3DS Max 2022rendered with Unreal on a LED-wall in an virtual studio. Lendarys is a collection of 6000 NFTs - collectibles on the…
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Sculpture with lichen

For the sculpture artist Grégoire Scalabre we remodeled one of his sculptures and for presentation purposes we put some lichen on it and integrated the form in a photo.
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Caravan Palace – Supersonics

Balloons out of the wall Group and Song:Caravan Palace - Supersonics I only added the four balloons to the clip at 1:22 and throw them on the floor. Thanks to…
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New York

For a car show we realized a New York street scene in the Meat-packer area. With the help of some Epic marketplace objects we used Unreal render engine.
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TOTAL Genius

For Total we created a scientific universe to show there research in fuel. Production: Mister Bing Bang and rendereiDirection: Domson ArtworkerCharacter-design and -animation: Domson ArtworkerEnvironment: Klaus SingerLightning and rendering: Klaus…
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