Category: Art

Work with Artists

Sculpture with lichen

For the sculpture artist Grégoire Scalabre we remodeled one of his sculptures and for presentation purposes we put some lichen on it and integrated the form in a photo.
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Exebition Layout

For the exebition "Der Tod nimmt sich einen Tag nach dem anderen" from Ralf Schmerberg we placed virtuly his photos on the three walls to get the printing sizes and…
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Media Facade

Under the guide of Padfinderei we realized a media facade for the Paul-Drude-Institut. The installation is shown daily from 17:00 to 23:00 at Taubenstraße, PDI, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, D-10117 Berlin. The…
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The initiative "10,000 trees for Berlin" According to this year's tree report by the Federal Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND), Berlin lacks 10,000 trees. The "HOLY WOOD - 10…
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