Tag: compositing

Sculpture with lichen

For the sculpture artist Grégoire Scalabre we remodeled one of his sculptures and for presentation purposes we put some lichen on it and integrated the form in a photo.
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The initiative "10,000 trees for Berlin" According to this year's tree report by the Federal Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND), Berlin lacks 10,000 trees. The "HOLY WOOD - 10…
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Volvo C30

For the motor show in Paris we created a trailer with the Pfadfinderei for the introduction of the Volvo C30. Animation for themotor show 2006 in Paris. created with 3DS…
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In 2005 Germany celebrates the Einstein year, a joint initiative of the federal government, science, business and culture. The occasion is the 100th birthday of the theory of relativity and…
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